La sophrologie c’est quoi ?

La Sophrologie est un ensemble d’exercices de relaxation, de visualisation et de concentration qui permet de développer nos capacités personnelles et d’améliorer ainsi notre existence quotidienne. L’étymologie de sophrologie vient du grec : SOS : harmonie – PHROS : conscience et LOGOS : étude.

La Sophrologie est créée en 1960, à Madrid, par le Professeur neuropsychiatre, Alfonso CAYCEDO.

Gérer le stress avec la relaxation

La relaxation est incontestablement le meilleur remède contre le stress. Pratiquer la relaxation pour se libérer du stress est vraiment une excellente méthode pour mieux vivre. La relaxation par son effet adaptant et rééquilibrant permet de diminuer incessamment les effets du stress.

Quand de relaxation est activée, votre rythme cardiaque devient plus calme, vous respirer d’une manière plus harmonieuse, ainsi que votre tension se stabilise et vos muscles se décontractent.

Who am I ?

Sandra Ryusan Fernández is an educator, Zen Shiatsu therapist, and integral coach. A trained teacher and practicing Buddhist, she is passionate about emotional education and personal development, helping people adopt natural lifestyles.

She strives to empower individuals by balancing their mind and emotions when facing difficult life circumstances, such as burnout, depression, illnesses like cancer, or simply to better take care of themselves. She guides them towards health and balance on a deep energetic, physical, mental, and emotional level through emotional education, integral coaching, Zen Shiatsu (traditional Chinese medicine/work on acupuncture points and meridians), and Zen philosophy. This holistic approach encompasses the body, mind, and emotions.

A graduate of the University of Malaga, Sandra has been working as a practitioner and teacher of the first cycle of Zen Shiatsu since 2008, after intensive training at the Habalkagual School of Zen Shiatsu in Spain. She also holds a diploma as an Expert in Integral Coaching from the National University of Distance Education in Madrid (UNED), where she is currently studying psychology. Since 2016, she has been the Zen Shiatsu therapist at the Ressource Center ASBL and owns her own practice.

Originally from Spain, Sandra speaks fluent French and English, allowing her to work with a diverse clientele.

« Human contact is necessary and beneficial. It is an art, a science, and a miracle. »