La sophrologie c’est quoi ?

La Sophrologie est un ensemble d’exercices de relaxation, de visualisation et de concentration qui permet de développer nos capacités personnelles et d’améliorer ainsi notre existence quotidienne. L’étymologie de sophrologie vient du grec : SOS : harmonie – PHROS : conscience et LOGOS : étude.

La Sophrologie est créée en 1960, à Madrid, par le Professeur neuropsychiatre, Alfonso CAYCEDO.

La relaxation c’est quoi ?

Nous vivons à une époque où tout va très vite, où la plupart des gens ne prennent pas le temps de se détendre et si nous savons aujourd’hui de tels problèmes dans la société moderne, il n’est sûrement pas un hasard. Nous allons voir comment la relaxation peut être un outil indispensable pour éviter les ennuis et l’angoisse et le stress.

La relaxation représente un relâchement corporel total qui est lié au délassement de tonus musculaire.

Gérer le stress avec la sophrologie

La sophrologie est recommandée pour faire débusquer le stress et les angoisses qui provoquent pertes de sommeil et du même coup bon nombre de troubles qui y sont associés, à condition que l’on adhère pleinement à ses principes basés sur des exercices de respiration et des techniques de visualisation corporelle menant à la semi-conscience.

La sophrologie une médecine douce visant à atteindre l’harmonie entre le corps et l’esprit. Elle a été recommandée pour apprendre à mieux gérer stress et anxiété.

Gérer le stress avec la relaxation

La relaxation est incontestablement le meilleur remède contre le stress. Pratiquer la relaxation pour se libérer du stress est vraiment une excellente méthode pour mieux vivre. La relaxation par son effet adaptant et rééquilibrant permet de diminuer incessamment les effets du stress.

Quand de relaxation est activée, votre rythme cardiaque devient plus calme, vous respirer d’une manière plus harmonieuse, ainsi que votre tension se stabilise et vos muscles se décontractent.

Who Am I ?

My name is Luisa Mannu and I am a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT), Life Coach and grief Counsellor.
I practise in Brussels, near the European institutions ,  in English, French and Italian. Therapist
I am a specialist in all kinds of problems related to difficult changes, transitions and losses in both personal and professional life and I work with adults, children and teenagers.
Being trained in different approaches, I propose a personalised therapy that meets your needs and attitudes and I help you coping with difficult times.

Scientist as background, I am a certified:

  • Cognitive Behavioural Coach (CBC) by the “Centre for Coaching”, Middlesex University, London;
  • Grief recovery method Specialist by the “Grief Recovery Institute®, US;
  • Creative grief support Counsellor by the “Creative Grief Support Studio, US;

Other trainings and courses:

  • Non Violent Communication (NVC), by Marshall Rosenberg;
  • Effective Communication, by Th. Gordon;
  • The Landmark Education Forum, London, UK;
  • The Landmark Education advanced, London, UK;

After experiencing the death of my husband at a young age, I went through a deep and long grief which turned out to be an incredible nurturing and enriching inner experience. When I emerged from my “dark tunnel” I felt called by a strong passion to help and support people throughout their emotional struggles.

How can I help you?

As a Counsellor, specialist in difficulties related to life changes, transitions and losses, the help I offer you is not a long-term psychotherapy and it does not require necessarily going back to your past.  It is focused on the “here and now”.

It is the support of a professional who has also walked that same path and experienced a similar journey.

My therapeutic approach is not known yet in our European countries. Though, it is very common and practised for decades in the US, Canada and all Anglo-Saxon countries.

In our culture, when we are confronted to relevant changes, transitions and losses we have the tendency to think of being in a state of depression.

However, the multitude of emotions and feelings we experience when such an event occurs, are not the symptoms of a mental disease. They are natural emotional reactions to what has happened in our life and we cannot rationalize them.

When we are in an emotional state, the connection between our brain and our heart is interrupted and therefore no rational messages can pass through and lead our emotions.

I accompany you by gently embracing all feelings and emotional reactions that you are currently living.  I will walk you through your journey and support you in discovering your own resources and the inner resilience that is hidden in your sorrow and distress.

Together, we will tap into creative ways of moving forward to wholeness.

From my personal experience I know that each loss is unique, and that each person deserves a unique tailor-made support.

I offer you a safe space where your feelings will be accepted, acknowledged, by my empathetic and understanding support and I will accompany you in the transition from darkness to light.

  • As a Cognitive Behavioural Life Coach, I accompany you to understand your emotional reactions and to discover what lies behind certain behaviours. I will help you in finding the best way to deal with a situation that, in this moment of difficulty, seems overwhelming and without solution.

Through an individual and personalized coaching, I listen to your needs and guide you in achieving your goals and /or get to take important decisions in your life.

I help all people who are suffering because of:

  • A separation or divorce; the break-up of a romantic relationship ;
  • Life transitions;
  • Any relevant change in life (moving, empty nest, etc.)
  • Stress, anxiety, anguish, depression;
  • Post-traumatic stress disorders;
  • Bereavement;
  • Any other kind of loss you are confronted, both a recent or an old one;
  • A miscarriage or a still birth;
  • The loss of a pet;
  • The end/change of a friendship;
  • Loss of a job;
  • A disease and/or a chronic illness;
  • Burn-out;
  • Physical and psychological fatigue;
  • Depression;
  • Loneliness and isolation;
  • Relationship difficulties, both in the personal and professional life;
  • Communication difficulties;
  • Loss of the sense of life and hope;
  • Intangible losses which one doesn’t even realize might be the cause of his/her stress and discomfort;
  • Loss of self- confidence and/or trust in others;
  • Unmet expectations;
  • Feelings of guiltiness, anger, fear;

I accompany also people who are facing the loss of physical and/or mental capacities in a loved one (aging parents) and those people who are caring for a loved one who is fighting for his/her life and they are currently experiencing an anticipatory grief.