La relaxation c’est quoi ?

Nous vivons à une époque où tout va très vite, où la plupart des gens ne prennent pas le temps de se détendre et si nous savons aujourd’hui de tels problèmes dans la société moderne, il n’est sûrement pas un hasard. Nous allons voir comment la relaxation peut être un outil indispensable pour éviter les ennuis et l’angoisse et le stress.

La relaxation représente un relâchement corporel total qui est lié au délassement de tonus musculaire.

Who am I ?

Hello to you,

I am a hypnotherapist, sound therapist and astrologer.

My career began in 1999 at the University of Brussels in General Psychology. Attracted by chemistry, I then turned to pharmacology and became a pharmacist assistant. After ten years and a need for profound change, I then return to my first interest in the psyche and the promising results of brief integrative therapy. I then trained in Ericksonian hypnosis and self-hypnosis for which I am particularly passionate. In addition to my private practice, I now give several courses and training in Brussels to learn self-hypnosis and the management of emotions such as stress, anxiety, guilt, etc.
My experience of living abroad (England and Costa Rica) also allowed me to shape my understanding of human needs and to appreciate their cultural complexity, because we are all unique and similar at the same time.

So to free yourself from what bothers you, from what eats you up or from what is constantly repeated in you or around you, I invite you to express, exchange and collaborate with the ultimate goal of your emotional autonomy. All through a healing introspective journey.
It is therefore a gentle, soothing and interactive accompaniment that I offer you to move forward and initiate the most motivating changes possible for you!

  • The situations often treated are;
  • Professional situations (burnout, redirection);
  • Affective situations (couple, loneliness, self-esteem);
  • Anxieties, phobias;
  • Insomnia;
  • Family situations;
  • Mourning;
  • Depression, addiction.