La sophrologie c’est quoi ?

La Sophrologie est un ensemble d’exercices de relaxation, de visualisation et de concentration qui permet de développer nos capacités personnelles et d’améliorer ainsi notre existence quotidienne. L’étymologie de sophrologie vient du grec : SOS : harmonie – PHROS : conscience et LOGOS : étude.

La Sophrologie est créée en 1960, à Madrid, par le Professeur neuropsychiatre, Alfonso CAYCEDO.

La relaxation c’est quoi ?

Nous vivons à une époque où tout va très vite, où la plupart des gens ne prennent pas le temps de se détendre et si nous savons aujourd’hui de tels problèmes dans la société moderne, il n’est sûrement pas un hasard. Nous allons voir comment la relaxation peut être un outil indispensable pour éviter les ennuis et l’angoisse et le stress.

La relaxation représente un relâchement corporel total qui est lié au délassement de tonus musculaire.

Who am I ?

Behind this goddess physique and impeccable figure lies a psychologist with several years’ experience. I began my career in 2022 with the Brussels Police in the field of workplace well-being, where I developed a passion for crisis intervention and burnout support.

From there, I decided to open a paramedical practice in Evere in 2023. La Bulle D’Oxygène was born, and my patients soon came to fill it with their tears as well as their laughter. At the same time, I started a part-time job at the Université Catholique de Louvain, which awarded me my psychology diploma a few years earlier. There, I work as a psychologist for victims of sexist and sexual violence.

In my spare time, I’m passionate about crisis intervention with the Red Cross, but I also love video games, board games and fantasy reading. And let’s not forget my cat Miko, who is a daily inspiration for my relaxation exercises.

My approach is integrative, but based above all on humanistic and experiential currents. I see my patients as the main actors of their own change and experts in their own lives. For me, the therapist must remain humble and open-minded. Therapy is a journey that is co-constructed in a relationship of trust between therapist and patient.


  • UCL Master in Psychology – Organizational Psychology (2019);
  • International Coaching School – specialization in stress and anxiety management and life coaching;
  • EMDR training – Pierre Orban.


    • Burnout;
    • Conflict management;
    • Stress and anxiety;
    • Trauma and EMDR;
    • Grief.